Reviews by: Anthony Pearson

V for Vendetta

The last twenty years has seen a renaissance in Hollywood of the comic book character. The main players – Batman, Spiderman, Superman are alive and well with imminent releases for all of them from the major studios both this summer and the next. Then there are the B-Listers, The Hulk, Ironman, Captain America, Judge Dredd Click here to read more…

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Chernobyl Diaries

In late April 1986, I was out camping with my Scout group. Everthing seemed normal, though at the time there was talk in the media that a cloud of radiation was heading towards England from the East. True story. Because at the same time, in the old USSR a nuclear reactor had gone into meltdown at Chernobyl Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012, Halloween | Leave a comment


This classic from FilmFour is about a frustrated penniless writer who reluctantly takes a job as a croupier only to find his experiences at the casino helps him with his writers’ block. Heavily narrated throughout as if reading from a book, we follow our protaganist Jack Manfred (Clive Owen) as he expertly trips through the minefield of Click here to read more…

Posted in 1990's, DVD | Leave a comment

The Great Dictator

Charlie Chaplin plays two parts in this film. The first is Hitler spoof Adenoid Hynkle, dictator of Tomania. We see his tyrannical rule fed with all the megalomania, infallibility and extreme vanity one would expect of someone who lives in their own small world. Meanwhile on the outside a Jewish barber (also played by Chaplin Click here to read more…

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As I was leaving the Imax after watching a midnight showing of Prometheus last night, there was lively, nay angry chatter from some of the audience members. One chap even exclaimed at the top of his voice that the experience had been worse than Star Wars – The Phantom Menace. I was instantly reminded of Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012 | Leave a comment

The Dictator

Sacha Baron-Cohen first premiered his most famous character Ali G on a UK Television show called “The 11’oclock Show” (sharing the spotlight with another aspiring comedian called Ricky Gervais). The show also featured minor creations of his – a Khazakstani reporter called Borat and a eurotrash fashion reporter called Bruno. All have gone on to Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012 | Leave a comment

The Muppets

Most Muppet movies were spoofs of other movies such as Wizard of Oz, Christmas Carol or Treasure Island. But this time round we return to basics and focus on the characters themselves and what has become of them since their career launch pad The Muppet Show was cancelled by the networks. Now the Muppet Theatre Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012, DVD, Oscar's 2012 | Leave a comment

Johnny English Reborn

There have been many successful films whose legacies have been diluted by their appalling sequels. Superman, Ghostbusters and Blues Brothers to name a few. But occasionally a film’s sequel can be better than the first. The only problem with this is that the film is often approached with trepidation and a sense of dread – Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012, DVD | Leave a comment

Safe House

Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) mans a secret safe house/interrogation chamber for the CIA. His life both professionally and personally is about as buoyant as an anchor dragging along the sea bed. One day, the notorious bad egg Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) is brought to the safe house for interrogation and water boarding. Some “terrorists” arrive, Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012 | Leave a comment

The Woman in Black

The British do the ghost story ever so well, especially if set in olden times in a remote village where locals eye you as a threat. Almost like a Daphne du Maurier of the present day, Susan Hill’s 1983 novel The Woman In Black has had remarkable success. From it’s inclusion in the national syllabus to Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012, Halloween | Leave a comment