Reviews by: Anthony Pearson


I’m hard pushed to think of any franchise, even Rocky, that has reached number 23 and yet Bond is back for just such gruelling treatment. Directed by Sam Mendes, the film was almost not made after MGM hit major financial troubles and had to suspend the project. But today finally saw its general release here Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012 | Tagged as: ,

The Long Good Friday

Any discussion about the Brit-gangster genre is going to contain heavy references to this film. And I can now say, having finally watched it, that I can be party to those discussions! It’s evident to me now where Guy Ritchie gets his inspiration and indeed why they cast who they did in Lock, Stock and Click here to read more…

Posted in DVD


I recall John Carpenter saying he was surprised that no-one had made a film called Halloween. Likewise, I was quite surprised no-one has made a film called Sinister, especially given the vogue to use bold one word titles! And it could scarily have been a film that was built round a good title without any Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012, Halloween

Death and the Maiden

I have never seen the play and was keen to find out what all the fuss was about. Having watched a string of play adaptations to film of late I thought it would be the perfect excuse for me to review the film version directed by Roman Polanski. As I’ve mentioned in a previous review, Click here to read more…

Posted in 1990's, DVD, Halloween | Leave a comment

Glengarry Glen Ross

This 1992 film from David Mamets Pulitzer prize winning play from 1984 shows it’s age. Set in a Chicago real-estate office, it’s salesmen are given the ultimate deadline. The first to pull in a closing sale wins a car, the second wins a set of steak knives and the third gets the sack (There are Click here to read more…

Posted in 1990's, DVD | Leave a comment

Berberian Sound Studio

It was a tweet from Mark Kermode that prompted me to check out this film. Perhaps I had my hopes raised too much. Toby Young stars in this horror drama from writer/director Peter Strickland about an English sound operator who gets a big break at an Italian Sound studio making sound FX for a film. Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012, Halloween | Leave a comment


Though not the most original of ideas, this 1992 biopic of Charles Spencer Chaplin sees Chaplin (Robert Downey Jr) recounting his life to a biographer (Anthony Hopkins) from his last home in Switzerland. It follows his childhood success in Music Hall to his move to America and his ultimate life changing summons from Mack Sennett Click here to read more…

Posted in 1990's, DVD | Leave a comment


This powerful film from Paddy Considine, his debut as writer and director for which he won a BAFTA, tells the story of Joseph (Peter Mullan) – a man battling with his demons and loosing. His violent reactions are taking a huge toll on him and those who come into contact with him. Hiding from himself he Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012, DVD | Leave a comment

Sexy Beast

This classic from FilmFour tells the story of Cal (Ray Winstone) an ex bank robber who has retired to Spain, but gets contacted to do one last job. He’s ready to say “No”, but when he hears that Don Logan is coming over in person to “persuade” him , a heavy Eastenders atmosphere descends. Cue Click here to read more…

Posted in 2000 - 2009, DVD

The Dark Knight Rises

The previous film in the Nolan Batman trilogy was called The Dark Knight. Just like it’s title this movie has 25% new additional content and 75% the same old guff. That about sums it up. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret having watched the film. But, like a James Bond, the franchise is now Click here to read more…

Posted in 2012